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Students of All Learning Abilities Are Welcome
Our program is built to individualize the reading, writing, and mathematic experience of our students, no matter their learning style, limitations or unique life circumstances. Whether your student is in general education, resource program or a self-contained classroom, they are welcomed here with enthusiasm. We are committed to our students. If you want to learn to read, we want to help you reach your individual capacity.
One-to-One Tutoring - Results! Results! Results!
We focus on the student's current reading level. We create a base, and grow, grow grow! Students quickly learn that reading was just a skill they needed to practice to improve. Our students build confidence through reading at their level and seamlessly increasing their level until they reach their goal. They receive phonics passages that can take them from kindergarten level up to whatever level they have the capacity to read. We are patient and flexible.

NO Long-Term Contracts and NO Fees
Life can quickly change in an instant. You can cancel your contract anytime for whatever reason. You can also pause all services for a given time. We are here to help our families. We also offer NO sign-up fees, enrollment fees, annual fees, cancellation fees, or any other random fees.
My daughter has improved dramatically on reading & writing. Super thankful for this program, she loves coming as well and enjoys all the tutors & comes out with a huge smile of accomplishment. I recommend Superabilitee. I am very pleased & happy with their service . My daughter received a certificate of improvement for reading . —Janet C.
My daughter is in 4th grade and was at a 1st grade reading level. In just a couple of sessions I saw immediate improvements in her reading! She is now able to read her homework assignments, as we drive around she’s reading off street signs and billboards, she brought home like 20 books to read! I’ve never seen her excited to read, I am just AMAZED! She is always very excited to come to tutoring. They do a very great job at Superabilitee❤️ THANK YOU! —Priscilla G
I was looking for a summer tutoring for my son and his teacher recommended us superabilitee. I'm glad we did ,in just a month we saw huge progress. The difference here and other online "apps" , is that they do a one on one with your child and see where they are, their disadvantages, and work with them to bring them up to speed and not just take your money. I know you may read comments and hear it "online" but not here with superabilitee, here you get your money's worth and most importantly improving your child's education. Best part is now my second son will be starting with superabilitee before starting his first school year in kindergarten because that's how much they have shown me the interest in the knowledge I want for my kids . So if you're a parent and have that doubt in you, give them a try and trust me you won't regret it . —Elva S.
Superabilitee is the place to go if your child is struggling in school. I found this place on google when my son's teacher told me that he was struggling. I decided to take my son to Superabilitee to see if he will improve in school. These amazing tutors have taken the time to help my son improve. My son has improved so much in school. He has improved in his writing and reading. I recommend Superabilitee to any parent that has a child who is struggling in any subject in school. —Erica A.
My son has been coming here for almost 3 months now he was on the verge of being retained because he wasn’t reading at his grade level. In just almost 3 months he’s accelerated in reading and is no longer on the verge of being retained and his teacher has let us know tutoring has been helping and she plans to move him on to the next grade. Not to mention the staff is very patient with him and make him feel very comfortable. They always let me know what kind of progress he’s making after every session. I’m confident in their time and techniques that they are sharing with my son to accelerate in reading. —Ashley P.
My son has been going to Superabilitee for about 4 months. I couldn’t be happier! Today my son graduated from 6th grade and he received an award for his reading growth and he was so excited. His smile got brighter and bigger walking up for his certificate and award. When I first reached out for tutoring services my son was reading at 2nd 3rd grade level and now he’s scoring at a 5th grade level. They’ve given him the tools to help him become a better and more confident readier. He isn’t Dreading to be called on anymore to read in front of the classroom or take reading/English tests. I will always recommend Superabilitee’s to my son's baseball teammates and friends when they are struggling in a subject such as math and reading. They have been amazing and very supportive. Every time I get a call from my son's school about his growth I can’t help but to share that achievement with superbilitee’s because I don’t think my son would’ve shown this much growth without them. —Monica C.